Become a host

Why list your place with misterb&b?

Human connections

Share a unique perspective of your city, make new friends and help the LGBTQ community! Note that we also welcome straight hosts willing to offer an amazing experience to gay travelers!

Hassle free

We’ve got your back! Damages happen rarely with misterb&b but to cover your home and belongings, we are handling the security deposit for you: also choose the amount and we do the rest. We collect tourist taxes on your behalf.

Trust and safety

With a dedicated team and a powerful verification system, we have selected 600,000 trustful users with verified ID, email, phone number and payment details. Our two-way review system helps travelers & hosts verify who they are connecting with.

You are in control

You set the rules: price, discount, house rules, availabilities, deposit amount. You are free to accept or decline any request that you receive.

We’re here to help

Our in-house customer service team is more than willing to help you with any questions 24/7 by phone or email in the main languages.

Regulations (tax & law)

Don`t worry about regulations, misterb&b works closely with hundreds of local administrations to make sure your listing is fully compliant.

Homeowner/Host/Home renter

Earn extra cash hosting gay travellers from around the world


Private Home/Space Rental



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